Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Looking for tools to compress PDF ebooks via /r/pdf

Looking for tools to compress PDF ebooks

I maintain a large collection of technical ebooks in PDF format. Most of them have been between 2MB-10MB in size, but I noticed a disturbing trend where recent ebooks have been jumping to 50MB-300MB in size. Most of the increase is due to more images and greater image resolution being used, but at the same time publishers are getting sloppy and not bothering to optimize the PDF files in any way.

I’m looking for a tool or set of tools that can optimize PDF files using the following techniques, and any others I missed. The only one I’ve found to date is cpdf, but it only handles a couple of these.

  • remove duplicate embedded fonts / combine overlapping font subsets
  • replace type 1 fonts with compressed fonts (CFF)
  • remove invisible and 1x1 pixel images
  • replace duplicate images with references
  • replace inefficient encodings
  • remove restrictions
  • remove onload uri requests (/OpenAction)
  • remove additional actions (/AA)
  • remove javascript (/JavaScript)
  • remove flash (/RichMedia)
  • remove old incremental updates
  • remove certain types of xmp metadata
  • flatten forms
  • remove embedded files
  • recompress suitable images with jbig2 and optipng+zopflipng / jpeg-recompress
  • replace external streams / alternate images
  • remove empty pages (or pages marked ‘this page intentionally left blank’)

Submitted February 05, 2018 at 08:12PM by tarje
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/pdf/comments/7vlevl/looking_for_tools_to_compress_pdf_ebooks/?utm_source=ifttt

from Medical Release Form https://medicalreleaseform.tumblr.com/post/170565125961
via Medical release form
from Tumblr https://jeemiahmelville.tumblr.com/post/170565445912

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