Help with PDF Creation Option:
Hi everyone,
I work in an ER where everything is still handwritten. I am working on a PDF that would print only the text onto the face sheet that we are given for each patient. What is difficult is creating a drop down menu with a template that can be edited quickly. Example would be choosing Abdominal Pain from the drop down and the multi-line text box would show:
S Patient presents with abdominal pain for the past «Duration». «Location», «Character», alleviated with «», provoked with «», «Radiating», «Timing», «Severity». «No» nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss, or trauma. «No» melena or hematochezia. «No» recent travel or sick contacts. «No» urinary symptoms or discharge. «LMP». Last pap «».
O Gen - NAD. No jaundice or pallor VS - «» CVS - S1, S2, RRR, no MRG RESP - CTAB ABD - normal appearance and BS, soft, NT, ND, no masses, no organomegaly. Neg McBurney/Psoas/Obturator/Rovsing/Murphy/Rebound BACK - no CVA TTP «Urinalysis and Pregnancy Test»
A Abdominal pain, query «»
P Blood work for extended lytes, creatinine, LFT, CBC, HbA1c, lipase AXR Abdominal ultrasound RTC or go to the ER if pain acutely worsens Re-assess if no improvement in «»
Any ideas?
Submitted February 04, 2018 at 03:16PM by Maveric1984
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