Monday, September 25, 2017

Problems creating PDFs with great compatibility. via /r/pdf

Problems creating PDFs with great compatibility.

I run a website that has a lot of PDF-based content. A small but not insignificant portion of my users have a problem where, when printing, they get only blank page. Selecting “print as image” in the print settings tends to fix this, but many of my users are not tech savvy, or use software where this option isn’t available.

I’ve had a terrible time diagnosing this problem, because I can’t recreate it myself. My process for creating PDFs is straightforward:

.DOCX file > Save as PDF > Compress at

(leaving the compression out does not fix the problem, at least for the one user who tested that for me)

I was hoping someone might’ve experienced something similar, or have a recommendation of where to begin looking. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Submitted September 25, 2017 at 07:36AM by wudkip
via reddit

from Medical Release Form
via Medical release form
from Tumblr

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