Sunday, September 17, 2017

[linux] Convert pdf with annotations to pdf without annotations, headlessly. via /r/pdf

[linux] Convert pdf with annotations to pdf without annotations, headlessly.

I used okular 0.26.1 on Debian/sid to add annotations to a large number of student exercises in pdf-format, but the students complain that they cannot read the annotations when viewing the pdf-file in the browser. (AFAICS the problem is that pdf-js ignores annotations)

I can solve the problem by using okular to open the files one at a tile to “print as pdf”, but that requires me to spend 10 seconds to go through the menu system to print each file. It would be great to have a simpler solution.

I also tried to print the files using cups (lp -d PDF), but the printed file doesn’t have annotations, so that doesn’t work.

Can anybody recommend a headless pdf-converter for linux that can merge annotations in to the pdf-file?

Submitted September 17, 2017 at 06:57AM by Johnny_Bob
via reddit

from Medical Release Form
via Medical release form
from Tumblr

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