Saturday, April 27, 2019

Self Modifying PDF file? via /r/pdf

Self Modifying PDF file?

I have an employment agreement with my employer in PDF format. At the bottom was a place for me to enter my name in text to acknowledge acceptance. Upon reading the agreement, I had questions so I put “NEED TO DISCUSS” instead of my name. No one ever asked me about it, so I forgot about it. Now, several months later an issue has come up. But now, when I view the PDF, the entire section for my name is missing! I’m wondering, can JavaScript be embedded into a PDF that could delete a section based on the passage of time or some other trigger? Or am I going crazy?

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 04:35AM by rman666
via reddit

from Medical Release Form
via Medical release form
from Tumblr

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