Saturday, July 21, 2018

Infuriating PDF issue: missing background via /r/pdf

Infuriating PDF issue: missing background

I have a 75 page PDF that was exported from Google Slides. I no longer have access to the Google Slides document. I want to open it with Acrobat, but no text or backgrounds are visible (all white). Windows 10.

  • in Acrobat CC, the document appears to be missing the blue background areas. Since the text is white, I assume this is why no text is visible (white on white).
  • ✓ the PDF views correctly in a browser (acrobat extension) : white on blue background.
  • the PDF previews all white in Windows File Explorer.
  • I tried using an online PDF repair service, but backgrounds were white in Acrobat.
  • I imported the pages into InDesign (Placed each page individually–seemed to be the only way. Placed pages look correct in InDesign: white on blue background), and exported a PDF from there. Backgrounds were white.
    • I drew a blue rectangle filling each page’s background and re-exported. Backgrounds were white!
  • I checked for Acrobat updates, none.

Any explanations or suggestions to help me out?

Submitted July 21, 2018 at 08:32AM by xicus
via reddit

from Medical Release Form
via Medical release form
from Tumblr

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