Wednesday, June 20, 2018

HELP! Need my PDF form submit button to work on mobile - iPhone and Android! via /r/pdf

HELP! Need my PDF form submit button to work on mobile - iPhone and Android!

Hey guys! I have created a fillable PDF form using Acrobat that works perfectly on my Windows desktop, but now that I’m testing on mobile, the submit button doesn’t work at all. I’ve only tested on an iPhone so far and the app I’m using is Adobe Acrobat Reader from Apple. Clear button works, fields work, it’s just when I click submit, nothing happens. What’s SUPPOSED to happen is:

  • User fills out the form
  • Taps Submit
  • New email pops open with the To: autofilled with a specific email address and the subject line auto-populated with the data from the form they just filled out. Oh and the form is automatically attached to the email.

I have to have a JavaScript action on my submit button to do all this. (More deets in this post when I was trying to figure it out on desktop

When I changed the action on my submit button to “Submit a Form”, the button DID work on mobile, but then I lost the very necessary feature of the subject line being auto-filled from the field data. I need that subject line auto-filled, so this isn’t an option for me.

Anyone have a solution for me? I would prefer it to just work on the Acrobat Reader app, but if it requires purchasing another app, then fine. Things I’ve read online so far just kinda say “yeah JavaScript is just kinda limited on mobile devices”. Is this REALLY not possible??

Submitted June 20, 2018 at 07:23AM by derpderpblah
via reddit

from Medical Release Form
via Medical release form
from Tumblr

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